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2006-01-27 - kickback springbones

I keep on rolling
Got more important things to do
I just keep rolling
No time for pulling strings with you
all the time you sit there thinking I just uh...
don't understand those moody swings you go through

I'll stay right here,
rest my tired bones until the Spring
I said, I'll lay low right here for a while, baby
take some time alone, won't need a thing,
I'll keep a real cool steady low profile,
rest my tired bones until the Spring

there's a bottle in the wine cellar
it's been there fermenting quite some time
there's a twinkling light that shines stellar
ancient rogues that make their zenith climb
there's some seeds out in the field
geothermally suspended till the Spring
there's some mergers that could yield
but they prob'ly won't add up to one damn thing

no there's only one thing on my mind right now,
I'm gonna kick right back and listen to these secret words
I don't care about what anybody thinks anyway, no how
you can take what's left and throw it to the birds

there's only one thing that matters when it's all done
I wanna be right here where I need to be
sitting at the feet of the only one
who made the earth, the stars and all the riches we can see
if it all blows up tomorrow I guess I'll have to say I spent my time wisely
if joy should turn to sorrow then at least I gave the best years to rise free
from all the burning passions that would try to blaze a trail within me
from bondage to vain fashions that would pry to raise, unveil prematurely
the vintage of the seals to bust
all seeds beneath the wintry crust
this business of "in God we trust"

no hotwired plan will do
I've got to see it through
it's nothing against you
one thing in life is true:

the only thing worth striving for
the only key that fits the door
the effort to do less, not more,
investing all I have in store
for this one thing

to set this time in stone
Forget that I'm alone
ignore that wind that moans
Kick back and rest my bones
until the Spring

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