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2005-10-27 - as we know it

promote this factoid like no other
devote your life to friend and brother
avoid those ties that tend to smother
emoting like a lactate mother

give me peace now
sweet release now
give me freedom and a soothing expertise now

give me power
in the hour
when the mabus wrecks the plane into the tower

to say just what I got to say
I'm gonna need an unction today
I've gotta beat compunction away
so give me your attention I pray

we all know how it ought to be
we know it from the time we're three
there is good and there is evil
there is peace and there's upheaval
there's forgiveness and then there's the third degree

there's a presence that exists
and it's right within our midst
it's as though the cosmos ordered it to be
it's an underlying source
it's a sweet creative force
it's the love that we can feel but we don't see

it comforts those whose hearts
have been fractured into parts
who have struggled underneath a cloud of death
it stays the suicidal
right before they give their title
to the spectre robbing their creative breath
it gives oppressed their vision
to be free from the derision
of the dominating underlords of fate
those wicked who continue
to do evil in the venue
of the dispensation we all know to date
killing off ability
limiting mobility
speaking words of blasphemy and hate
guilt manipulation
hasty condemnation
golfing on the course of reprobate
while workers labor hard
in some mass-production yard
and the fat cats reap the fruit of what they toil
these are those who patronize
the instruments of our demise
and they never touch the tiller or the soil

the harvest of the world
as the banner is unfurled
is the bounty they will barter for beyond
when they gather round their table
they rewrite historic fable
as they toast till their fraternal pact be gone

and there behind the scenes
if the curtain of our means
were but drawn to just reveal what lies beneath
there'd be seen a power shift
as the clouds begin to lift
and the denizens of darkness are unsheathed
seeking to hold hostage
all creation in the lost age
by inciting all the havoc they can wreak
doing evil in the earth
blinding souls to the new birth
making even stalwart spirits lame and weak
so that those who know the truth: afraid to speak...

but back to what I'm saying
in the groundwork I am laying
there's a tenant in the code
that protects us in the mode
when the soil starts to erode
and you're lost on some back road

it is this:
(to leave you uninformed I'd be remiss)
no matter what you've heard
there is truth found in God's word
and you'll know it when you estimate its worth
when you're standing on the edge of this old earth
and beholding all the mayhem and the strife
Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, the life"
"No man comes to the Father but by me"
When you get hold of that you're truly free!

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