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2008-01-31 - not for you

I pour out this melody
for all who see
and that is all cool with me

but there's one thing I must say
before I convey
the thoughts of this play
before they all stray away

this isn't just a letter written and addressed to you
it's something that I write to many, or to just a few
but everything I write is not for you
so take whatever seems to ring as true

and let it be our point of rendezvous

and now a little something for my crew

make sure your brain's engaged before you put your mouth in gear
don't ever be estranged from the God that you should fear
don't play yourself a fool unless you're certain of the game
that is to say be led of God and trust Him just the same
trust in Him with all your heart and he will guide your way
and by His strength you'll be assured of what to do and say.

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