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2008-01-26 - the love I send

I have nothing to hide
from those who know the way
that is to say I ride
on mercy everyday
and trust that God is love
His burden isn't heavy
His word come from above
was crucified for every
person on this earth
who reaches for the cross
they're raised to a new birth
with Christ who suffered loss
bearing sin and sorrow
shame and nakedness
redeeming our tomorrow
today and all the rest
past sins we fell into
generational curses
fears that cry within you
only love disperses
stands within the gap
takes the force of hate
frees you from the trap
let's you in the gate
welcomes you as friend
even when you must endure
the pain of discipline
he NEVER condemns you
always gives you hope
he would not begin to
treat you like a dope
he loves you till the end
with love that won't pretend
protect you and defend
that's the love I send
to you

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