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2009-07-05 - hypocriticus lyricus

help me God I need you it's true
I've fallen so short of the love that is You
How could I have turned away
from the one true cause worth living each day?

I don't know where else to turn
to escape from this craving to yearn
with single-minded perspective
the commandment is not an elective
to love the Lord God with all heart mind and body
to do unto others as we do everybody
with love as one loves one's self
to live to see others' sweet wealth

I don't know it's just so I'm so slow
You define what it is I don't know
the more that we learn the more we discern
how little we know as the oil lamps burn

and how perfect is Your law!?
I read it and I'm struck with awe
I could never live up to its heights
my inherent desire for delights
undermines every effort to give
so I settle for live and let live

devastation erosion and waste
falling miserably short in each case
the rise and the fall
all for one
one for all
when I'm done You will call me home

please navigate these waters where I roam
show me how to be where I do best
the destiny you planned for me to rest
do in me what only You can do
raise me with new life to live anew
thank You that Your word is true
forgiveness when we turn to you

help me to be faithful to what's right
help define the darkness with Your light
that shines out from Your word
by Your Spirit we're secured
as we seek You for the meaning of it all
You promise You will catch us when we fall
all the richness of Shalom
is what waits for us at home
but we see Your mighty hand save day by day

I look on and I am struck by such dismay

let lovers spent
find government
in keeping their love covenant
let no one put asunder
what sweet love has joined in wonder
of the glory of a life shared though as one
the dream that You make real as we run
one foot before the other
motivated by each other
spring in well
please foretell
love will last

this life we take for granted will soon pass...

and other such commandments
that prove You will not disband us
if we seek the law of love incorporated
any other kind of life is over-rated.

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