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2003-07-23 - 12:30 a.m.

you're like so many sluts

showing off tits and butts

stuck in their stupid ruts

I sure won't miss you much

now it gets very weird

the moment we both feared

I see through your veneer

I must get out of here

not what I'm looking for

things that I can't ignore

your boyfriend's such a bore

which tells about you more

you're just like "girls gone wild"

commercially defiled

you think you're so self-styled

you're just a ho dog-piled

such a weak wannabe

reject celebrity

nobody wants to see

your spread on empty V

not even that obscene

Larry Flint's magazine

thinks your prospect's too keen

stick to your website screen

don't think I'm being mean

because I don't have green

there's so much more unseen

you're not exactly a queen

and when I cash it out

you'll be in sudden doubt

perhaps you'll shut your mouth

and realize just how

that front that you put on

is such a flimsy con

your selfish marathon

too late for you, be gone

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