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2003-11-11 - 11:49 p.m.

what I mean to say is


this is what ok is


I don't know...

what does it all mean anyway?


you have to find a way

as you travel from point A


you have to find a way

that's all I'm trying to say


as sure as revolution

proliferates confusion


as sure as fibonacci

found formulaic Yahtzee


as sure as engineering

(genetic terms we're hearing)

mutates the germs we're fearing

and denegrates your steering

proliferates your veering

to re-enactment leering

the upshot is endearing

a moment that is nearing


somewhere tittilating

vibes that aren't debating

on your terminating

scribes that keep on stating

you won't soon be fading


and you wonder how...

you fortaste it even now...

if you understand this vow

you won't ever have to bow


to anyone but One

you'll be outdone by none

because this much will be won

the cross, where sin is done

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