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2008-06-06 - forgetyounot

Letting go is sweet
Even if incomplete
With too much left unsaid
It played tricks on my head
Does she know I loved her as a friend?
Does she blame me for how it must end?
Is she all alone?
Did she hit a cone?
Is her feeble mind in need of me?
Such an ego, I know, but I'm free
As I let her go on and be gone
I reflect on what my thoughts were on
I recall my heart fell in the mix
And somehow she became my lover's fix
Now sympathy played a part
And love became an art
Guilt was somehow blended in there too
And after all was done
I felt she was the one
But I've been wrong, be honest, so have you
This story that I tell
As I bid my farewell
Reminds me of a song we knew so well
"Many nights we prayed..."
such memories won't fade
I loved you, I tried not to...
but I fell.

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