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2009-03-18 - Dead Time Story

you're 'bout to witness this guest at his most hardest, most rawest, most honest old artist, most least likely race to run farthest, most uplifted misfit to hit this, most ungifted shiftless and listless candidate to get this and witness...


fear knocks at the door that I draw near
faith answers the sound and no one's here

except this cheer

adore Him in the mountains
adore Him in the fields
adore Him in the fountains
adore Him in the yields
adore Him in the high places
His faith will be your shields
adore Him with your bright faces
adore Him as He heals

there's a river of life and it flows
and it's gushing right out of all of those
who hear this free rap verse
and get free from that old curse
that befell that one Son who arose

So now hear these bold true words that I write
and fight with all of God's power and might
to live and not die
and then be glorified
by this Spirit of Love, Truth and Light

It is done and complete for He's won for the weak all of us on the bus are too blessed not to speak how we reign as do kings though the gain of all things is as rubbish and refuse and nothing that clings by comparison to God's own Son the life He gives the joy He's spun in bringing many children to glory we can't help but tell you this story

we are dead to the passions destroying
we are led to compassions employing
us as agents in this great outpouring
we're alive from the dead no ignoring.

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