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2004-04-24 - wanderful

back then, 5 to 1

so little had been done

to spiritual detoxifying waste

I was born the number one

the firstborn of the son

of a commandant descendant haunt

a master (baited) race

where debutantes and uncle's aunts

get all up in your face

oh nevermind, I dramatize

I fantasize the case

I super-size



in space


but at some point in aging

toward the future from the past

there were some engaging

liaissons of psychic caste

a system hosting candidacy's

elect escort ass

I contacted beings

which were far beyond the past

ancient voices reminiscent

of bygone regimes

no commitment, intermittent

wayward wavelength streams

thought forms incoherently

following their dreams

no basis in reality

except where humans seem

divulgent in banality

unified in teams

and little boys who march to drums that beat to pulsar beams

what possibly could change

this structure, rearrange

this diademic pattern

so obtrusely thrown and tattered

old remains of former bastions

in the box outside the trash bins

I found no rest of spirit in those days

until the one who sees all of our ways

memorably earth quaking

thrust upon me, overtaking,

praise the ultimate genius

trem'rously soul shaking,

love so intervenous

only this could take me

to what is now between us

sure and steady space

filled with love and grace

a multifacet place

where light anoints the face

and ushers out in haste

all naysayers and base

counterproductive wastes

widely proliferates

detoxifying florals

prevents erosion's morals

and exorcises beings

which keep us all from seeing

there's only one true way

all others go astray

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