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2004-01-29 - lost and found dept.

occasionally I'm asked to recall the horrible sight which so apalled every shockjock in the hall where common was sensation... I promptly skip the balderall and get down to the booty call the storyline which you foresaw a product dispensation - so stay tuned to this station - in case of mass invasion - your untimely cessation - your unplanned self cremation...

imagine the look upon your face if we were in some other place and there we stood outside of space and all the books were opened...

with no one there to plead your case you stood on trial for crimes and ways you wasted all your times and days and didn't know your accuser, ignorance: no excuser, and you were the abuser, destined to be the loser, you forfeited by missing all benefits, oblations, presumed that you were dissing a lost-cause congregation, outdated form of coping, and off you went eloping each self-made cause for groping, a tirade forward hoping, evolved animalist entropy, some psychoanalyst isotopery, adopted for your pot pourri, a smorgasborg of philosophy, accumulative psyche-poppery and it all came down to this: eternity was missed! seduction which you kissed deceived you in the midst of all preoccupation and self-help-mutilation, mental manipulation, emotional libation, and soul innebriation - for all these crimes you stood as angels raised the hood exhausting fire and smoke and not a lawyer spoke and then your eyes meet mine and you begin to whine, "why didn't you tell me it's true?!?! I thought it was just you! some stupid religious thing, some self-sourced preferencing!!! how could you let me die without provoking me??? You knew I lived a lie?? and gave up stoking me?!?! and how can you go free? you didn't truly love me! John Lennon imagry said no heaven up above me! reality TV did nothing to inform me and now eternity has just the place to warm me -- a fiery place of torment for all who didn't sign for Jesus' free advocacy there on the dotted line, the blood-bought bottom line, the only clementine, the marrow of my spine caused me to just decline, and now I'm out of time..." Let this not be the case when we get to that place, when you look at my face somewhere outside of space... instead I'll keep this pace in this web interface and risk being debased, declare to your face, you haven't got a case, your life could be erased, so keep it Bible based and bookmark this incase you ever need reminding I'm here for your unbinding, and I'll be hangin' round to keep your soul spellbound so I won't hear the sound: the whine of the hellbound...

so till next time, you clown...

don't let the deal go down

give Christ the whole lowdown

and join the lost and found

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