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2004-03-23 - The Convolution of the USA

the revolt was an indication of skyrocked escalation of a rising indignation against exhorbitant taxation...

so once again new impetus surged into debate

the tyrannical rule of sovereignty sought to regulate,

administrate and dominate, and if need be, expatriate

instead of appeal an enforced ideal

impressed upon the frontier zeal

to rid them once for all of colonization vision

to seal the deal with all in isolationism

to become this sovereign state

and then to legislate

the new framework to execute provision

and tax only to pay then

judiciary laymen

and raise an army to protect her borders

no longer subject to magistrate's orders

instead to be the head and to say "do what I said"

to invaders, and to traitors, social disorders...

now I hope you can be knowing where I'm going

it wasn't too far down the road there came a showing

of the democratic vote that wanted more in terms of rote:

social programs, government fostered, to be served

and if you dared to oppose "of all the nerve!"

"you don't care about the Indians on Reserve!?!?"

"or whether or not your wetlands are preserved???"

what is wrong, you derelict!!?

let the man serve and protect!

and he needs our taxes we should give him more

otherwise just who will give unto the poor!?"

and on and on the drivel goes

"the government can solve our woes"

all the while the iron glove prepares to fist 'em

for the money is the power in the system

a machine of tyranny corrupts the politician scene

the money strings 'know what I mean?

it's like they all go for the green

and the programs and the bureaucratic schemes

are over-stepping on the independant dream

just because of some abuses

should we take what freedom chooses

and accuse it of the fault for those extreme?

just because of a few losers

do we now become poor choosers

and we need Big Brother to come intervene?

Ought we not to reconsider more accutely

Absolute power still corrupts absolutely

and the money is the power

to hold down and to devour

it's still true what once was said about our freedom

if you give it up for safety you won't see them

not for long, for you will see that our struggles to be free

were all in vain if we have such fears and breed 'em

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