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2002-12-09 - 2:03 p.m.

Celestial Ogleblat is here,

I've come to love the day, no fear

Even if the end is near;

I was born, no volunteer,

But still the wind and sea, my dear!

What's all this anarchistic jeer?


What kind of music plays your end

As a wide-out shot portrays you then?

Happy, sad, indifferent?

Does the movie end or just begin?

You say you don't care, but will you then?

Will the earthworm be your only friend?


Or when you die, does your spirit cease?

Will you be at peace?

Do you seek release?

Do you hold and squeeze

On your Buddhist knees

To your guilty pleas

with the karma cling-frees?

reincarnation is ill-at-ease

with drastic revisions across the seas

you could come back as a siamese,

or as an honorary member in a swarm of fleas,

or at best as a cow (without the mad disease),

are you really secure with options like these?


Westernized versions of mystic milieus

Coming soon (for a fee) you can pick and choose

or be an agnostic there's always time to snooze

said the hare as the tortoise paid his steady dues

hey how about this here's a cheap seat ticket

you can be an athiest and risk hell with the wicked!

uh-oh! did he say "hell" in that judgmental tone!?

how dare he! how self-righteous! who put him on the throne!?

Nevermind, you don't believe in the absolute

I didn't believe in gravity and left my parachute

speaking to you now from this splat on the ground

say, could you direct me to the nearest town?

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