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2007-01-26 - one for all

what's wrong wit ch'yall
come along, forget ch'yall
turn it on, tune it out, livin' large
do it heavy, make it strong, when you charge
or at the very least
just release your inner beast
what comes out will be a hit
or be a flop
a rain that won't quit
or just a drop
the nations are like seas
tossing, turning with dis-ease
there's a thing that you must do to rise above
and it's consecrated with a perfect love

what's wrong wit ch'yall
is that you're all condemned to fall
without this and it's something to behold
it's worth - far more precious than pure gold
it's the gift that keeps on giving
it's the lifeforce of the living
it's the promise of a life that never ends:
That, through Jesus, God is calling us as friends!

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