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2003-12-26 - jezebel

maybe I was gathering

in fields where trappings call

hunters who would rather sing

of conquest, bait and fall

maybe it was tantamount

to self-defeating introspection

maybe it was all about

the needing of some heart protection




prowler dating

what a set-up, I dare say

the day

I strayed

and came her way

a wilderness wherein she'd play

alluring hunters where she lay

a different kind of game is this

a fishnet stalking scientist

ingenius perpetrator bait

which doesn't differentiate

the ones who dare from those who care

all attractees there ensnared

all bleeding liberal hearts beware

no prospectors nor braves are spared

she doesn't know what lies in wait

the web she spins becomes your fate

if you attend her woeful sighs

her silent eyes and silky thighs

her time of season won't expire

you'll drown in her secret desire

another captive in her song

this is the trap of love gone wrong

she doesn't know who locks the door

she doesn't know what love is for

she doesn't know she plays the whore

so quoth the raven, "never more"

I fell into this heart abyss

I sever silken chord to drift

I never felt it quite like this

a rise and fall, a push and lift

and one by one I see the stares

of phantoms who have been ensnared

and those who really couldn't care

all parts of hearts entrapped in there

the unbeknownst and unbenign

the birds in cages intertwined

with interlacing plants defined

by thicket, bramble, climb and vine

and there within the hollow ache

a little girl who couldn't fake

the venom of her own mistake

sucking nourishment to live

from all who came to take or give

injecting fluid to embalm

and keep each soul sedate and calm

a little here, a little there

synthetic tear and feigned dispair

until the wanton wish to cease

might fill them with a sweet release

though once enslaved to passion's will

they now conspire to rise and kill

supplanted with her will to die

and end her never ending cry

and thus her self destructive lust

consumes them with this blinding trust

to aid, assist and perpetrate

her plot to prove that "love" is hate

and justify her course of action

death for sexual attraction

a price tag for their satisfaction

which ignores the chain reaction

of the ravaged heart she holds

violated in the folds

of life's successive sickning molds

the aching in the deep foretold

and as I kneel to catch my breath

I pray that I escape this death

not looking back as fire and smoke

engulf the city angels stoked

her ashes cannot reinvoke

the ancient kiss where hunger stroked

but love is such a sappy bloke

it still recalls the words she spoke

"within me there exists the dear

who is kind-hearted and sincere

the part of self that I present

unto the charmee with consent

as I deceive and draw them in

all attractees, all the men,

who think I'm sweet and innocent

who only see what I present

who, at my bidding, boringly

fall at my feet adoringly..."

and so I weep at her demise

watch her smoke rise in the skies

the blood and fire, fallout too

and all the captives in her zoo

there but for the grace of God go I

caught up in her sweet alibi

caught up in twisted, silky mesh

just for the pleasure of her flesh

delivered from this sweet demise

by light and vision - spiritual eyes

delivered from this diamond curse

detached from this one way ride herse

set free from going bad to worse

and humbled by this final verse

there but for grace of God go I

escaped from her sweet alibi

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