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2004-01-22 - non-density

we are only in the early birth pangs

of what will come to be the day the earth clangs

with microwaving energy

and red shift dopplar frequency

toward the black hole in the sea of empty space

for we approach no vacancy no parking place

in fact the flesh becomes a fever in the face

of an album which inverts the timeline trace

and the argument won't matter anymore

Leno's monologue will melt on the stage floor

and the time will draw the valley of decision

as conquistadors compete for their division

intensity it escalates

inventions sieze and excavate

digging in for one big final clash

global gangters at the table with their cash

all the moguls and their future wishbone ash

trading gifts to celebrate their hurricane bash

but you and I don't have to suck into that frenzy

we'll hold the hand of little children in the end see

we'll tiptoe up into the Garden of the Olives

and we will sing of windswept amnesty and college

in sweet devotion to the monologue that follows

the great producer who disguises all our vowels

in a secret code of language

that escapes the load of anguish

and uplifts us to the new earth of the ages

the no mean city only referenced by the sages

so far beyond the brutish adjectives on pages

this sanctuary far away from warriors' rages

so unforseeable, so far beyond discription

this is the promise on the signet ring inscription

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