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2003-08-16 - 1:24 a.m.

optical illusions often trick the way we see

furthermore confusion stops and sticks to memory

a set of biases embedded deeply in the mind

distorts the way we think and tunnel vision leaves us blind

to all the possibilities which factor in systemic'ly

and staring at the forest trees we miss the cure for this disease

there is no time to waste away

your soul's required this very day

you don't realize just how close

you are to giving up the ghost

and if I really love you friend

I won't just let you meet your end

without this warning, be prepared

you see, I am the one who cared

your lamb in wolf's clothing

the object of your loathing

I only hope it's not too late

when the reaper rapes your fate

that's all I really want for you

to be the person that you knew

don't try to seek involvement

I'm here for your evolvement

to undistort perception's goof

I have to be like this: aloof

and shake the dust off of my feet

from every town that will not see

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