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2002-09-13 - 6:21 a.m.

archive your trajectories

you sure don't need them here

come in, sit down, do as you please

oh. here's another beer


your circumspection vigilante

scans perimeters

and in the hall which I nemed Monte

Romans lend their ears


for echoes long and whispers furtive

still caress those waves

like push-me-pull-you sounds assertive

space my planet saves


spent all my earthly time just waiting

for the likes of you

that second chance is still debating

what's my love to do?


A copy of the space arrangement

scrolled here in my fist

And records of your slight derangement

shredded -- don't exist


For I would give my all to you

I'd run to you and stay

If only you'd just give a clue

And send some love my way.

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