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2009-02-06 - human battery cells no more

the thing words cannot say
the sting of fire hose spray
the taste of luxury upon your face
the one that got away
the refuge of the day
the pain that comedy cannot erase


investments that have gone from bad to worse

make your vision clearer
in the rear view mirror
leave the past behind you and rejoice

the way that lies before you
all those who won't ignore you
the path of least resistance is a choice

one voice

don't be manipulated by man's plans all ill fated/ no just be serenaded by this verse/ there is a God in heaven and one day out of seven to take your rest from this brow sweating curse/ making bricks for Pharaoh/ striving on the narrow/ laboring to enter by the straight/ the camel through the needle eye thread gate/ don't strain the gnat and swallow/ that camel through your hollow/ don't be so gorbachev that you succumb/ to make Louis Vuitton your bourgeois chum/ no don't you think of it/ don't be a hypocrite/ but hear the words of truth come from this writ/ come free your soul from sin and don't you quit/ seeking after truth come follow me/ and God through Jesus Christ will set you free...

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