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2009-02-21 - ALPHA Channels!

the first of a brand new race!
here the captain takes his place
this preeminent sovereign head
this firstborn among the dead
grabbed the keys to hell and death
so let everything with breath
render homage to the master of design
tell of all the things he's caused to fall in line
speak of good versus the black holes
in the backwood of the cosmos
what if there's no other planet but our own
life sustaining (somewhere we could be alone)
and all so God could make his glory known
so that man would understand He's on the throne
yes he has a perfect plan and makes it known
every man can know this glory that he's shown
he led captive in his wake
those deluged he'd not forsake
and he's given giftings sifting from above
the alpha and omega of this love
inception to expire
one exception this desire
to include us in this all surpassing reign
with the captain of salvation we remain

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