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2009-02-25 - 5:1 bb 1n5

there's a ragged wolfish breed
ravaged as a tumbleweed
in the ghost town of your need
all alone

there's a pathway through the pass that is unknown

far above the valley forge
over hill and dale and gorge
where no native trail could forge
there's a zone

a place no brujo dares to call his own

spirits in the rocks and wood
dance as faeries playing good
and to few it's understood
they are not

science theorizes why
analyzing earth and sky
but it must be high and dry
can't be bought

God is something that is much more caught than taught

He will draw us ever closer to His side.
He will cause us to on higher places ride.
He will always be a sure and steady guide.
He is faithful and His hands are never tied.

but there's one thing He can't stand -- and that is pride.

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