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2004-02-27 - ugh!

someone please help me

I'm a baby boy

someone please tell me

how can I enjoy

a mom with a penis

and a dad with a lisp

a queer eye intervenus

and a manly kiss

I don't understand

and I know this sounds crass

but I don't trust a man

who takes it up the ass

same sex marriage

it's a slap in the face

what a great disparage

to the human race

but that's not the thing

that concerns me the most

it's not a homophobic sting

that inspires this post

it's that those who are adopted

into such a fate

would be stuck with two who opted

to abominate

being forced into this forum

this Sodom and Gomor... um

uh oh -- now I'm on restriction

They won't accept my contra-diction

they hate it when I quote

from the words Creator wrote

in Romans chapter one

verse 26 till done:


"For this cause God gave them up unto VILE affections: for even their women did change the NATURAL use into that which is against nature: and likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust toward one another; men with men working that which is UNSEEMLY, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet..."


and so it's plain to see

this curse befallen me

I owe it all to those

who voted for homos

to have the marriage right

who lacked all godly sight

who left me all alone

and said "to each his own"

each time I'm kissed I know

mom's five o'clock shadow

rough whiskers on my face

his muscular embrace

I wonder what it's like

to have a momma dyke

I'm so confused inside:

this family of gay pride


young boy adopted by two gay men

PS it's worse than tax and spend

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