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2009-07-15 - 2 horses

two wild horses roamed the plains
free of saddles, spurs and reins
free to wander where they gamed
then both were caught corralled and named

'damon' kicked the top rail down
jumped the fence and turned around
"come on now it's clear" he said
but 'nomad' only shook his head

"no thanks I'll stay here where I'm led"

"Well I'm out of here" wild damon said

So time went by but every once in a while
damon would visit his friend and smile
"come on nomad look at me don't you want to be as free?"
nomad would say "no thanks my friend I'll stay here where I may depend"

and damon would suddenly gallop away into the fields where he could play

then a famine hit the land
the streams dried up
the fields went bland
dust and death walked hand in hand
and shade turned into sun

damon came to see nomad
and shocked by all the strength he had
said "what have you been up to, lad?
tell me what you've done?"

"how's it going?" nomad asked
"haven't you noticed? it's going fast"
damon said in short-breathed gasps
"this famine's got me hurtin"

"and look at you you're so well fed
compared to you I look half-dead
your coat is smooth and shining red
but mine's mangey and dirty"

nomad looked and said "poor thing!
salt in the wound will only sting
but I've just got to say this thing
you had a place to stay

my master feeds me finest grain
I drink right from his well and train
for hours everyday to gain
more discipline each day"

damon just turned away

he didn't know what to say

he'd done things his own way

but had no place to stay

he died on the very same day

the end

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