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2005-12-12 - Nikolai Tesslar

stillness is momentum paused
damage is what action caused
when decision comes forth from duress
wisdom does much less
I must confess
who are we to sacrifice what's blessed?
How can truants ever pass the test?
I've offered blemished sacrifice
I've paid the least expensive price
and languished in jacuzzis filled with what?
Liquid and secretions mixed - uncut.
What is doing more?
twitching muscles, aching, sore?
or the eye that watches heavens as they turn?
the fire without the fuel will never burn.
so take some time to contemplate this fact:
look before you leap into your act
go with what you know as real and true
premeditate on this before you do
one thing in life is needed
and even that's preceded
by lots of things that don't add up to jack
a bunch of jive and nazz and mad whacked smack
filter what is streaming through the pump
take some time to backflush that big clump
that slug of slop that's stopping up the flow
of life when you're too busy on the go
be wise, avoid the slaughter,
and don't you drink the water
until the chemistry has been approved
the council must confer before you move
for every act will resonate the room
each magnetic anomaly will boom
into accoustic ripples which rebound
at least that's what this fool in time has found.

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