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2004-05-31 - base

it's chaoticly erotic, cause, effectually neurotic

it's the realm of possibility: your brain

and you're lucky if it hasn't gone insane

how could someone be in charge who's not inane?

all the suffering, the issues and the pain...

it makes you wonder if there is another plane

some transcendental destination

somewhere far from tribulation

is there solace for the here and now?

besides the daily dulling, such as how

the butcher calms the fat and weary cow?

is it meat market delight?

are we USDA right?

so politic'ly correct

minimally allowed defect

like an idol candidate

who's exhausted by debate

Simon criticizing, scrutinizing losers

(without whom all the idols would be boozers,

I mean how else could they be copers with the belchers and dopers

beside them as they belly to the bar,

they've had more tolerance training then by far

they're talented and therefore need to spar

with all the inner conflicts as they are

but anyway I've gone a bit to far

I'm finished with parenthesis)

who are

just trying to get by and unaware

how miserably their will cannot compare

with intelligence existent everywhere

omnipresent love so debonair

so elegantly drives to pass with care

who's constantly alert, fully aware,

and yet allows the chaos to be there

reminding us of all that is not fair

outside of perfect justice and true love;

there's a way for you to go (don't push and shove)

there is room for those who know and walk above

the passions which would drive you to the brink

far beyond what normal thought leads you to think

to a place that could inflame you with the stink

infinitely out-of-bounds (and out of drink)

an eternal place of torment governed by

all the souls who got stuck cursing asking why

"O' why was I born, why can't I cease?"

"Is there no way I can find release"

twisting and yearning, like centipedes burning

writhing and yearning, tossing and turning,

agony torment and clinging to rot

like some bad dream you awoke from and thought

"what an insidious plot for a dream!

who dares to air or to write such a scene

how do I block out that channel inside?!?"

inborne sense of justice that can't be denied

only one refuge can truly shelter

from the chaos of helter skelter:

dream in line with this highway

the winds and sea - they must obey;

the elements, tho' burned away,

cannot contain the souls who stay

within the boundaries of true love

trusting in the Lord above

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