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2003-11-29 - your sentence: repentance

shopping, tracking, selfish plotting

here's the facts now, one, two, three

chopping, hacking, undercutting

the axe is laid to the root of the tree

the law is justice blinded

the clocks can't be rewinded

what's done is done

the trunk kink won

Nirvahna's neverminded

now narly twisted limb

is all that's left to trim

but still it doesn't quit

the blade won't stop for spit

as threshing in the pit

the slice gives way to split

a harvest time returned

a nursery rhyme relearned

a no stone left unturned

life lesson best unspurned

it's less than what we earned

it's random entry, Verne

intelligence is loosed

into the hangman's noose

confronted with cessation

there's true remediation

and sobering inclination

and quiet rumination

a forced evaluation

is law's administration

and hewing past the trunk

each gnawing slashing chunk

the culture's sins and things

as time recounts the rings

those geneologic strings

addictions, pulls, cravings

passed on through generations

and ancestral sensations

occultic meditations

contracted infestations

demonic congregations

beneath your family tree

there's one way to be free

lay the axe to the root of the tree

as the prophets' eyes foresee

you'll be safe from calamity

when you stand in eternity

by the law of liberty

manifested at Calvary

only then will some here see

the forfeiture of the lottery

and its free availability

like the compost of antiquity

fossil fuel, gold and stone jewelry

all around you but you couldn't see

now the axe is at the root of the tree

the grace is passing ever seasonally

the sap is drying and I'm sure you agree

the act of dying, your extinction, will be

this fact I'm trying to break sensitively

your disconnected from the source

this is the course or your remorse

you need the hook-up now and how

you don't have time to milk your cow

the sky is red and riders storm

there's only one way to conform

you must receive the greatest gift

the only prayer you should uplift

to bring you aid -- rush delivery

the axe is laid to the root of the tree

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