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2003-06-24 - sometime a.m.

peer behind the urban vibe

I am the firstborn of my tribe

but that's not where I came to be

(the present life inside of me)

I was a seed where two beams meet

the cross of victory and defeat

a strength found in adversity

when came the hell bound destiny

upon the man-soul deity

where, in the abyss of the sea,

deep inside the earth's belly

came the heaven borne decree

the unregenerate are free

conception there took place for me

so born was I outside of time

implanted in this vibrant chime

like resonance and residue

residual plasmic remnant clue

of mysteries buried in the sand

a parable, not sleight of hand,

a multi-application dose

one size fits all, it's me, your host

now drop your trowsers show your cheek

this is the shot to fuel the weak

the freak you out take of the week

the missive memoir, so to speak

to seek you out, make-up your cheek

where some hyped needle penetrated

left you strong, rejuvenated,

upon whence you congratulated

all AMPs who participated

in your drama understated

is the pain that led me to

the crossbeams, rugged, roughly hewn,

where wrist crotch hung the iron pegs

the spike immobilized the legs

the nerves became the thoroughfare

of pain beyond the mind's compare

like burning surges through the limbs

but that's not what was scaring him

the nightmare he could not foresee

the devastation there would be

when once for all eternity

the judge condemned and wouldn't see

until the torment paid as planned

to satisfy the just demand

of death for every rebel act

let alone the obvious fact

of mandkind's blood association

with the first born of creation

predisposed him for defection

an outlaw soul of direlection

all these dregs of vilenesses

had reached their crag deprecipice

and trapped crossbeamer in the midst

the place where heart strings still exist

those phantom cravings fed by life

enabled passions which were rife

with elements of that which takes

with little thought for others' sakes

and seldom hears the orphan's cry

has reasons for each alibi...

but heavier than all those would be

the evils one should never see

and that's the cup he drank that night

the liquid mix of wrong and right

of good and evil coalesced

the righteous curse on all the rest

would force him to be left alone

for once the king forsook his son

for all the sins from great to least

order him torn up by beasts

taken to the desolation

this is why in desperation

he cried out, "please let it pass"

not willing to partake alas

there was no other way so let

beads of blood come forth like sweat

when in the caldron of debate

between instinct and emulate

consume your mate to consumate

ejaculate and celebrate

insemenate and ovulate

where all the factors culminate

in aggregate dirt, germinate

he knew that he would make it through

this must take place in order to

undo the deed which did man in

deliver man from death within

abysmal plumes of smothering smoke

were nothing when the Father spoke

declaring licenses revoked

all those who hocked the title deed

in the garden of crushed seed

this is where I was conceived

there came of two back into one

when Jesus said, "Your will be done.

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