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2013-10-04 - New Creation Dreams

in the secret place we seek the face
of the One who's everywhere
a song that goes on and on
for the One who created the air

a love that never ends
that descends
just like a dove
a love that only depends
on us receiving from above
no one else can give that kind of love...

increase exponentially
those dreams of deity
replace my caterwauling
with fields of azure sprawling
as you're calling is not without freedom
and the fires connect around Edom
I stand on the wall of love
a firewall from above
my pen prepared to write
to those who stand by night

all's well this side of hell
what the whippoorwill won't tell
the revelation comes alive
increasing as the time goes by
tread the water
the next wave will be great

the glory of the latter house
exceeds the one before

the congregation gathers round
in hopes of something more

then it springs into being
what prophets were foreseeing

to those who have ears to hear
who listen with spiritual ear

discerning the false from the true
the Word in sweet residue

The Spirit who makes all things new
abounding with grace revenue

a windfall of heaven's resources
overflowing and surging the courses

underground streams joining in
forfeitures turned to fortune

losses blamed on ignorance
now reach out to innocents

second time's the better so it seems
I learned to die to all my hopes and dreams

I lay my hopes and dreams at the feet
and find new mind to give and not compete

but you aint seen nuthin yet
so don't judge by appearance
we walk by faith and not by sight
with hope and perseverance

the best is yet to come
it's called the New Kingdom
but till that day arrives
we praise Him with our lives

the resurrection life transforms the cross
into a rad new life
it's really boss.

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