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2005-03-27 - lulu zulu

it's not a difficult thing
to see beyond the swing
of territories, galaxies and space
once your life gets swamped
you see beyond the pomp
the real world has ways to test your
so look a little more
through the open door
appearing right before your very eyes
avoid miscalculation
balance the equation
don't bump your temple on the lintel sides
I went out on a date
with someone I'd create
if I were God and she were my invention
but then it went awry
she met some other guy
and did some things I prob'ly shouldn't mention
see, I'm the kind of guy you'd want to keep around
if you'd ever try or like to settle down
because I'm faithful - won't cheat on you
no, I won't go out and dance the boogaloo
with some flighty, changing, shifty point of view
like, "hmmm, maybe I'll get in a fling or two
hey, what she doesn't know won't hurt her
and it's not like I'd desert her
she's the one I have to live with everyday
so I might as well have fun along the way..."
and other foolish games the mind will play
psychology's a whore, I have to say
the mind will justify it's rationale
like nudists when they go au naturale
and they say, "it's just our thing
it's not sexual, dahling"
but we all know what comes next when things get wet
like when Kramer said "I'm out!" and lost the bet
listen, this may take a lifetime
for you to get the gist
but you don't have to wait that long if you will just do this
learn what you should believe
"ask and you shall receive"
stop all counterfeit copin'
"knock and it shall be opened"
search with an honest heart
and that is just the start
and if you want to teach me
any other way
it's far too late to reach me
that's all I've got to say
For I've been shown the other side
and know this way is true
but thank you for the funny ride
I still like reading you

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