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2004-02-28 - *knock knock*

ok that's good let it go like that

turn me off before I take you to conclusion

but put this bit of hood in your judgement hat

I'm not about to enter your driveby confusion

you're like the old lady who suffered this illusion

to the attic she explored with my flashlight she was usin'

she was well over 40 and susceptible to bruisin'

so she stared and started snorting with the flashlight she was sporting

and she started to exhorting and exclaiming, "Oh my Lordy!"

"Just look at all that dust this flashlight put up here!"

as she eyeballed all the particles floating ever near

and everywhere the flashlight turned the dust was sure to go

at least that's what ol granny thought because she didn't know

that dust was always floating there but darkness kept it hidden

besides she wasn't one to understand when I was kiddin'

she'd sometimes take me humorously and other times she'd fuss

like when I told her what *ahem* was really in that dust

approximately 90% from human dead skin cells

she asked me where it went, I said, "in the lintels,

the drapes, and cardboard boxes,

the taxidermy foxes,

and every nook and cranny in between..."

I never saw my granny get so mean

"Just get it out, you put it there

you wise ass son of blunder!"

I swear you should have seen her hair,

her voice became like thunder...

but anyway that's how I feel

the way you sass it up

your stanky attitude is real-

ly trite -- so pass it up

you need to lighten up a bit

try yoga, beer or blunt

just anything to make you quit

this bogus fear-filled stunt

and let the word I speak to you

expose the dust within

it's not as if it's Greek to you

be chosen, let it in

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