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2003-02-26 - 1:41 a.m.

I'd like to be your faithful friend;

All your garden woes attend,

To break the fallow, sow and mend,

Address each letter that I send,

Jump through rings of fire and then

Rush to comfort and defend,

Never have to front, pretend,

Say goodbye, or question when

We could ever meet again,

Wonder why it had to end,

Trip the circuit, fuse and mend,

Mutilate, spindle, fold or bend.

I'd like to be your faithful friend;

Hear the sage advice you lend,

Have someone like you again,

A one with whom my time to spend,

To while away the upward trend,

Two souls where time and space suspend.

I'd like to try that once again...

I'd like to be your faithful friend.

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