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2003-08-05 - 5:59 a.m.

you're enjoying my folly and wit

so now let's all get down to it

this has been my summer of fun

and it really comes under the gun

as I come here to greet everyone

but I'm sure that you all have begun

to understand that the pressure is none

regarding communication

see I've learned long ago there are things

that occur beyond pulleys and strings

like behind the scenes bad boy stagehands

and set dressing queens and their agents

they're only the tip of the berg

and you cannot rely on their word

there are networks of interdynamics

like your pet perks and kiln baked ceramics

and those wet jerks who lie in their hammocks

howling like ass when they see you go past

are they out of control with their zanex?

as you see there are other attachments

and so many are really entrenchments

I can't warn you enough

that it really gets tough

when you don't know just how great your part is

so you miss out on much more than all this

that is seen with the eye or appears to be fly

and your mind never finds what your art is

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