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2006-01-06 - The Price of Love

nothing could be good enough
what can I offer to you?
the first fruits of all my stuff?
all I could possibly do?
nothing could possibly mean
all that you mean to me
not all the things I've seen
nor all I could fathom to be

what is the price of one breath to breathe?
what can be done between morning and eve,
from dawn until dusk of one century
to make every scientist mention me?
what is the meaning of time?
were I this mystery to solve,
this pinnacle precept to climb,
to throw myself off and evolve,
to master travail and sublime,
connect to the hub and revolve
around nature's wheel and design
still nothing would make you involve
yourself with this likeness of mine
you know every thought that I think
every word, every way that I act
you know every internet link
the vows that I make and retract
you see every motive within
all the causes that I counteract
best intentions all shot through with sin
hewn out cistern both crooked and cracked
and yet you come after me still
when all I can offer is this
a heart and a mind and a will
that cannot but think of your kiss
that breathed upon me on that day
down in Mayport, there by the sea,
when you sent your spirit my way
and sweetly revitalized me
that place where I died by the bay
and you raised me with love tenderly
there you broke off the chains of my soul
the ones that encumbered me so
you made all the parts to be whole
you set my heart free and I know
I passed from the old to the new
I cast all the mold and mildew
the story you told - it was true
so what can I now offer you?
the sacrifice of praise
the thankfulness of days
a heart that just wants to obey
the love you gave freely that day

One sacrifice did pay the price
the gift to all who trust
One offering's acceptable
The one you offered us
poured from Creator's hand
A child can understand
as milk drawn from the breast
as comfort lays to rest
as sweet as honey from the bee
as pure as water cool and free
flowing up from mountain springs
as free as when the blue bird sings
freely given me and you
though it cost his blood, it's true
that's Creator's love to do
whatever it takes to cover you
like a father's love should be
like a mother's care so free
child raising responsibly
ready to go through pain to see
offspring strong and true
offered up to do
what only love goes through
God's plan for me and you
One perfect sacrifice
That paid exact: the price.

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