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2004-12-09 - Fortosoothe

disjointed thoughts and veteran wishes
enzymes make the food delicious
gurgling in your brain like fishes
words between your ears are vicious
let me soothe your mind
leave the past behind
whatchyou got is right before you
don't get hot if I ignore you
it's a plot to help restore you
I'm still there in spirit for you
long after I'm gone
this work still goes on
I'm the catalyst
reaching in the midst
till you get the gist
of this spirit mist
grinding into grist
all that would resist
and everything you missed
returns to you in bliss
so let these carriers and symbols
empty their contents like thimbles
tiny buckets which resemble
sparks across the gaps
tender little traps
easily read maps
healthy snack food wraps

till I write again

tis FreakYouOut
your friend

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