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2003-10-05 - 10:12 p.m.

resist the change

reduce the ledger

you were so strange I didn't even place a hedger

upon the bet

when we two met

that said you'd quickly be my favorite as of yet


you were my pet

but you were set

to go into the world and take what you could get

and so you're humpin'


I'll try to jump in when the hour hand hits eleven




you're unignorable

downright deplorable

it's just so horrible

you make me feel adorable


and I'm defenseless

my head is senseless

petition thoughts but cannot come to a consensus



I can't resist you

I lied: I missed you

and now you're back inside my head where I had dis'd you


it's not my fault if I don't call

because there's writing on the wall

that in effect declares there's no one home at all


your ways are shifting

you're always drifting

you don't resist the drive that makes you so uplifting

as if some ancient master's spell gives you some gifting

to keep you hungrily aggressively persisting

pursuing lucrative rewarding forms of kissing

until there's not a single place that you are missing



so many times you've intermingled in your history

I feel I cannot get to know you -- such a mystery!

there's nothing solid, yo

you're water soluable

so disipating

so unnervingly intolerable


but my money's still on you

if I see you then I'm through

I can't resist the magnet draw -- how you attack it

you had a crack at me

(before I was much to crack at)

so my disclaimer must accompany this packet:



I didn't do it, didn't do it, didn't really, didn't do it. Didn't do it:

it was done to me


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