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2002-10-17 - 1:57 a.m.


tangents emanating went

out from forces' rudiment

splintered into nothingness

two strangers lie in sweet caress


oh the dirge of love unborn

aborted in a desperate turn

cherubs weep in realms unseen

her sacred vow for a magic bean


now she's mad, she sleeps no more

views herself a filthy whore

awakened to a passion cursed

her love's become a funeral herse


a spectre stalks her weary mind

a child's voice shrieks out from behind

a deadly chill turns sweat to frost

a hateful glare tells her she's lost


raise this lantern by her side

you can't fix her so don't try

only a friend could understand

reach out to her a tender hand


I'll kiss away those feverish tears

Lend my shoulders and my ears

Stay with you through these dark years

Help you conquer lonely fears


reflections fragmented at best

waves of entropy at rest

inert particulates in space

standing by to take my place


my spirit coalesces here:

a breeze that blows, you know I'm near

a stream that flows between your toes

a dream that grows like summer glows


you'll sleep here, love, my chilly night,

your dawn is coming, now, sleep tight.

cherubs cried the day you fell

but angels fought the hounds of hell


this lullabye, like none before

no one can hurt you anymore

this covers every last expense

no one can take your innocense


sublime vibrations emanate

out from co-mingling, as we stay,

springing up from fertile dust

gains momentum as you trust


you're still the little girl inside

though time and space so long have tried

to make the vibrance obsolete

this journey is yours to complete

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