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2003-08-26 - 10:54 a.m.

we, the goodmen of the house of upward change,

do here put forth objectives to facilitate the range

of parametric boundaries to maximize performance

for regulating vagueries concerning all the dormants

and plead for all the tenants to purify the soul

and passify the passers-by who rubberneck control

that bodily surrender to the orgasms of life

would tend to the pretender the contender and the strife

by only merging with the one: your soulmate as it were

and nurture life that's just begun and redefine the blur

between what's right and wrong concerning social reperoitoire

that children of your love would have for sure, a mom and dad,

and hope from God above who gives them reason to be glad

and furthermore, holds forth the sword:

keeps predators at bay

protecting little lambs onwhich the wolves and bears do prey

each tribe a unit, each unity a force

to cleanse the earth of tyranny and rule by this discourse:

a vow ensuring every dream of mutual enhancement

for every RACE and creed and course of transcendant advancement

eliminating deed and source impending to this goal

enforcing that which optimizes environ control

providing nourishment to every plant which does produce

the elements which occupy, detoxify, reduce

all counteractive influences which threaten the existance

of all goodman proponents of the downward trend resistance

the upward call opponents overcoming gravity

toward the planetary foments which inflict depravity

molesting little innocents, the ones we must protect

proliferate innoculence to virally infect

all disconcordant frequencies still trying to defect

the perfect swell of all that's good in order to respect

all RACES, creeds and upward trends toward moments which perfect

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