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2003-09-19 - 10:39 p.m.

the tower was their plan to preserve for posterity

the power in the man of antediluvian prosperity

seven stages corresponding with the planetary scene

made of kiln dried bricks in color and they're telling what they mean

black at the base which was Saturn representin'

Jupiter's stage: orange, red for Mars, and on it went

surmounted by an upward lofty tower to a summit

observation of the stars occurs each hour -- wisdom plummets --

it wasn't good intention

and did I fail to mention?

it wasn't good because it's based upon mob rule dissension

so the language was confused

collaboration snoozed

and the common language speakers had their separate point of views

so the zigguraut convention was convened, and then diffused

they went their separate ways

until the end of days

when there would be one flock one shepherd to ammend their ways...

Smecke laid mosaics till the floor was done

in elaborate algebraics in the noon day sun

translucent so at night the lower lights emitted

producing astronomic art through each piece that he fitted

it was a step up from the brick work that he'd always done before

and the sweet taste of success drove him on, desiring more

he'd worked and gained respect as he completed every chore

till the day this speech-defect sent him through the laid-off door

Wisdom's not just something that you get from eating tablets

it's not from reading books and reciting as you blab it

it's not from trying every thing and saying you've been there

it's doing what is right with what you know and how you care

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